Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Free Essays on Gilbert Stuart
Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart was the most splendid representation painter in America after the Revolution. He is most popular for his compositions of George Washington. His Athenaeum representation of Washington is delivered on money, and is natural to any individual who has taken a gander at a one-dollar note. Gilbert Stuart was conceived on December 3, 1755. He was conceived in Saunderstown, Rhode Island where his dad, a Scottish settler, took a shot at the main waterpower snuff factory in the states. Stuart’s mother was from a huge land-possessing family in Middletown Rhode Island. Stuart lived in Saunderstown until he was seven. At the point when his father’s business bombed his family needed to sell their inclinations at the snuff plant. They moved to Newport, Rhode Island, where they lived in a house Stuart later depicted as a cottage on a Bannister’s Wharf. It is in Newport where Stuart started to show his ability as a craftsman. In 1771, Stuart started contemplating craftsmanship with a Scottish picture painter named Cosmo Alexander. In 1772, Stuart went with Alexander to Scotland. In Scotland Stuart learned at the University of Glasgow. Stuart before long came back to Newport because of the passing of the more seasoned Cosmo Alexander. In 1775, when Stuart was nineteen, he cruised alone to London. After he had been in London for a long time he kept in touch with the craftsman Benjamin West, imploring him for help since he was unable to help himself. West, and American, who had been living in London since 1763, took him on as a student and colleague. From 1777 to 1782, Stuart functioned as a partner for West. Stuart before long had his own studio where he was no ready to fill in as a representation painter. In 1782, Stuart finished his first significant representation called The Skater. This empowered Stuart to set up his own buissness as a picture painter. In 1786, Stuart wedded Charlotte Coates, an English young lady who might in the long run have twelve kids with Stuart. Stuart and his new spouse would move to Dublin. It is in Dubli... Free Essays on Gilbert Stuart Free Essays on Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart was the most splendid picture painter in America after the Revolution. He is most popular for his works of art of George Washington. His Athenaeum representation of Washington is created on money, and is natural to any individual who has taken a gander at a one-dollar note. Gilbert Stuart was conceived on December 3, 1755. He was conceived in Saunderstown, Rhode Island where his dad, a Scottish outsider, chipped away at the primary waterpower snuff factory in the provinces. Stuart’s mother was from a huge land-possessing family in Middletown Rhode Island. Stuart lived in Saunderstown until he was seven. At the point when his father’s business bombed his family needed to sell their inclinations at the snuff plant. They moved to Newport, Rhode Island, where they lived in a house Stuart later depicted as a hut on a Bannister’s Wharf. It is in Newport where Stuart started to display his expertise as a craftsman. In 1771, Stuart started considering workmanship with a Scottish representation painter named Cosmo Alexander. In 1772, Stuart went with Alexander to Scotland. In Scotland Stuart learned at the University of Glasgow. Stuart before long came back to Newport because of the demise of the more seasoned Cosmo Alexander. In 1775, when Stuart was nineteen, he cruised alone to London. After he had been in London for a long time he kept in touch with the craftsman Benjamin West, beseeching him for help since he was unable to help himself. West, and American, who had been living in London since 1763, took him on as an understudy and aide. From 1777 to 1782, Stuart filled in as a colleague for West. Stuart before long had his own studio wherein he was no ready to fill in as a representation painter. In 1782, Stuart finished his first significant representation called The Skater. This empowered Stuart to build up his own buissness as a representation painter. In 1786, Stuart wedded Charlotte Coates, an English young lady who might in the end have twelve kids with Stuart. Stuart and his new spouse would move to Dublin. It is in Dubli...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Life to Protect free essay sample
This examination paper will discuss the insurance of both the people and creatures and how the natural ways of life and the pattern of life are critical to keep up the parity of life. it likewise will discuss the eradication of creatures around the globe is a major issue that might be an issue in the pattern of lives and the endurance of the two people and creatures. From trackers and gatherers to when people take the trip to space and the moon, people have been at each other’s throats and continually pronouncing war on one another for land, force, and distinction, however other need harmony and shield individuals from biting the dust. The creatures realm is consensual at war with themselves also, yet that all arrives in a total hover in the natural pecking orders and the pattern of life. The two people and creatures are significant in light of the fact that to help each other the evolved ways of life and the pattern of life must be kept up its parity to hold the equalization of life within proper limits. We will compose a custom article test on The Life to Protect or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page There are a few books that have numerous issues with this issue like the Old Man and the Sea, The Great Gatsby, the catcher in the rye, and The Truth. The book Old Man and The Sea have numerous statements that have identified with how the angler and the Native Americans have to some degree comparative ways that they treat their fish or the wild ox that they have gotten or pursued. One model is â€Å"Fish, he said delicately, out loud, Ill remain with you until I am dead.†(Hemingway 105-106) this has indicated that Santiago has regard for the fish and needed to give him his appreciation and how he had spared his life simply like the Native Americans did when they chased the wild ox, not only for sport or to increase a notoriety for themselves however to endure. The elderly person in the book gave the leader of the marlin to the kid as a present for returning alive from the ocean and to show others that his karma as an angler has not yet blurred away and a comparable thing has happened to the local Americans too, they utilized all aspects of the wild ox, for example, the skins for garments, and bones for weapons and devices. The fact of the matter is that the elderly person Santiago and the Native Americans are comparative since Santiago was being helped by Manolin simply like the Native Americans being placed in reservation camps and â€Å"kept safe†from others. While on the subject of being ensured by individuals that are utilizing you to get something they need, The Great Gatsby has statements and activities that identified with being utilized by other and later hurled out like and an old cloth. The statement I love you now †isnt that enough? I cannot help whats past. (Fitzgerald 132) this shows Daisy and utilized Gatsby for his adoration for her. Different statements that cooperate are â€Å" Well I attempted to swing the wheel-he severed and out of nowhere I speculated reality. Was Daisy Driving.†(Fitzgerald 143)â€Å" Once in some time she gazed toward him and gestured in agreement†(Fitzgerald 145) both of these statements tell that Daisy realizes that in the event that everybody realizes that he the person who is â€Å"driving†the vehicle, at that point she won’t be accused for Myrtle’s passing and Gatsby will be the person who will assume the fault. She has utilized Gatsby his inclination towa rds her to escape inconvenience and when she’s done she simply hurl him out like an old cloth. The cycle never parts of the bargains utilized by the rich for their own advantages and the frail will be ruled by the solid. Ensuring the existence pattern of both the people and the creatures will at some point lead to something that will rattle something. Wherever around the globe there’s attacking species like the Africanized honey bee which is an obtrusive species to America that is brought from Brazil to build the creation of nectar at the same time the African bumble bee starts to take over the greater part of South America while the neighborhood Brazilian bumble bees populace is gradually diminishing gradually killing the nearby populaces of creatures and honey bees. There are other intrusive species like bunnies, fire ants, starlings and some more. All these obtrusive species contend with the neighborhood species for assets, they have lost the parity of the nearby environment to where the creatures that are restricted to the territories populace to go down. Creatures isn't the main the one that is an intrusive species to the world plants can just as the purple loosestrife which can spread up to 2 million seed each year can the base of the plant is additionally forestalling different plants close by to assemble supplements starting from the earliest stage devastate to different plants around the territory. Creatures and plants are the establishment of our lives, without them society is nothing. People groups have been utilizing the animals as both a livestock that gives nourishments and great to the human to be utilized and our unwavering companion that never double-cross the trust that human has given to them. The wolf is an extraordinary model they ensured individuals when they are simply attempting to shield their young from hurt. They have been with the human that is route spent in the year where individuals despite everything goes around and conveys any vital thing that requirements to endure and the wolf is one of the principal creatures that have assisted with conveying the benefit of humankind. Presently proceeding onward with the books that bind to the existence cycle and the equalization throughout everyday life. The catcher in the rye is another of the book that has discussed securing thing in his own specific manner, Holden the principle character Holden who as of late lost his sibling Allie to leukemia. Losing his sibling cause him a lot of agony both truly and intellectually he began now to believe anybody even his own family expect one Phoebe is the younger sibling to Holden and she knows how Holden is feeling when Allie has kicked the bucket. To ensure what he has left Holden has decided that he will be the one to secure what little blameless people the world has left for the childrens. Physical damages are by all account not the only things individuals should have been protectsd from, they need to likewise stress over both genuinely and mentally hurt others. Numerous sorts of research have indicated kids that have encountered their folks experiencing the separation has numerous feeling and mental impact. Youngsters who are as yet youthful tends to believe that if their parent stop to cherish each other they will stop to adore them too and kids that are in grade school they will feel that their parent separate is their deficiency and children that are in their adolescent for the most part be accusing either of their folks for what they have experience thought and cause mental breakdown. In the book Collateral Damage: Guiding and Protecting Your Child Through the Minefield of Divorce it has discussed how just about 50% of American resident family has understanding of living independently for even effectively separated. With the statement â€Å"People at war with the mselves will consistently cause blow-back in the lives of those around them.†this has indicated how when the parent is contending with themselves the lives of their children start to blur away gradually. Ensuring can likewise mean yourself you don’t need to shield yet to shield yourself from something that may hurt you or even slaughter you. There are numerous books that discussed ensuring other that goes into why the primary character or the character we meet later on needed to secure other. Work reference Works refered to Driscoll, Carlos An., et al. â€Å"From Wild Animals to Domestic Pets, an Evoluti onary View of Domestication.†PNAS, National Academy of Sciences, 16 June 2009. Morin, Amy, and Steven Gans. â€Å"What Are the Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children?†Verywell Family, â€Å"Food Chains and Food Webs Balance inside Natural Systems Lesson.† Ojibwa. â€Å"Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains.†Native American Netroots, 9 Mar. 2011. Elliott, Sarah K. â€Å"Antiques Roadshow.†PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 25 May 2015. â€Å"Invasive Species | National Wildlife Federation.†The National Wildlife Federation. Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. National Association for Visually Handicapped, 1951 Hemingway ,Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Simon Schuster, 1952. 1955. Fitzgerald, F.Scott. The Great Gatsby. Penguin Books, 1950. Chirban, John T. Blow-back: Guiding and Protecting Your Child Through the Minefield of Divorce. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2017. Clarified book reference Chirban, John T. Blow-back: Guiding and Protecting Your Child Through the Minefield of Divorce. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2017. Numerous as 50% of all American family unit has endured separate however it not the guardians that endure it’s the youngsters. Study have said that youngsters whose guardians have separated endured both intellectually and inwardly. The most ideal approach to shield this from happening is to not have the youngsters have the involvement with the primary spot. Cisneros, Sandra. House on Mango Street. Jane Schaffer Publications, 1997. Told is a progression of vignettes shocking for their expert articulation, â€Å" The House on Mango Street†is an anecdote about a young lady named Esperanza Cordero who is experiencing childhood in the Hispanic quarter of Chicago. For Esperanza Mango Street is a barren scene of cement and run-down apartments, later on she found the cruel real factors of life, the shackles of class and sex, the ghost of racial hatred, the puzzles of sexualit, and a lot more others. With the idea and feelings in her sonnets and stories, she can transcend misery, and make herself â€Å" a House all my own†¦ peaceful as day off, space for myself to go,†amidst her severe encompassing. Fitzgerald, F.Scott. The Great Gatsby. Penguin Books, 1950. The book â€Å" The Great Gatsby†is the third book that F. Scott Fitzgerald have writ
Thursday, August 20, 2020
ENERGY EFFICIENCY LISTED BUILDINGS Example ENERGY EFFICIENCY LISTED BUILDINGS â€" Essay Example > IntroductionBuilding Regulations have set requirement that allows buildings for achieving minimum level of performance which is acceptable. In this specifically deals with safety, health, accessibility and energy performance. The regulation applies to the current building work; they are general requirements for upgrading existing buildings for meeting the standards set. Major of the requirement of energy efficiency is the Building Regulations for the power and fuel efficiency (English Heritage, 2008a). Building Regulation provides information about listed buildings that are exempted from the requirement of energy efficiency. This should be something that cannot be changed and the appearance and character does not change as well. The intention of the part is to regulate the exemption work and for improving energy efficiency (English Heritage, 2008a). In case the building puts up the standard method for complying with the requirements of energy efficiency or building control bodies would be able to suggest some alternative methods for improving energy that would be able to alter the building's character and the appearance. The control bodies of the building can discuss the plan with the owner or any local authority that are responsible for conservation. They should be able to provide methods for improving the efficiency of the listed building and are able to assist in the long term conservation of the building. At last the final decision to see if this is acceptable would be vested with the local planning authority (English Heritage, 2008a). Buildings in conservation areasBuilding Regulation opines that all buildings in the area of conservation are exempted from taking special effort for becoming energy efficient. It states that the requirement of the building where the compliance meet with energy efficiency would not be altered in any character or even appearance while being in the conservation area. It is considered to be varied against the requirements of planning law which is focused on conservation areas that requires some consideration if it impacts the proposed development on any appearance on the area (English Heritage, 2008a). The external work in conservation areas requires permission; this may be required from the local planning authorities that may consider the impact on the character or even the appearance of the area. In case the authorities in the local area impose conditions which may limit work for improving energy efficiency, bodies for building control do not have any authority to work on such things. As an example, in case the planning gives permission for an extension, the condition that the windows should match the glazed windows in the host building and the new windows are exempted from the requirements, they would have to abide by it. Other situation may require the body to determine if work has been exempted from requirements of energy efficiency (English Heritage, 2008b). Some of the work for improving energy efficiency for the non-listed buildings in any conservative area would not require any planning permission, in specifics if it is confined to interiors. Although, incase such a work requires any negative impact on the appearance or character of the buildings it might be exempted from even Part L (English Heritage, 2008b).
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Characters Of Socrates And The Greatest Evils - 894 Words
Socrates believes that he is an individual who had the potential to accomplish extraordinary feats due to his unique set of traits. He claims, â€Å"If they were of any use, Crito, the many would be able to do the greatest evils, and so they would also be able to do the greatest goods, and that would be fine. But as it is they can do neither, since they cannot make a man either wise or foolish†(Crito, 44d). Only certain people have the capacity to complete enormous feats, and those people are not average citizens of the state. Instead, they must have qualities that set them apart from the rest of the population. Furthermore, â€Å"it is reputed at least that Socrates is distinguished from the many human beings in some way†(The Apology, 34e).†¦show more content†¦One area where Socrates is very open about what he doesn’t know is death. Since, â€Å"no one knows whether death does not even happen to be the greatest of all goods for the human being; but people fear it as though they knew well that it is the greatest of evils†(The Apology, 29a). Socrates is emphasizing that people make assumptions about specific aspects of death, but those people don’t actually know what death is like. The majority of people are content to fear death even though there is the possibility that death could be the greatest experience that humans have. Socrates openly claims that he doesn’t know what death is like, but the â€Å"wise†men say that death is to be feared. Socrates challenges the beliefs of the many again, â€Å"we must not pay much heed to what the many will say to us, but to what the one who knows about just and unjust things will say†(Crito, 48a), It is important to ignore what the majority of people say, and to listen to the person who has a better understanding of justice than oneself as that person possesses more knowledge about the topic than the majority of the people. Socrates belief about extraordinary individuals holds true for people in the more recent history. Adolf Hitler is an example of an extraordinary individual who used their outstanding qualities for evil purposes. Hitler rose to power legally and without seizing it himself. Instead he manipulated President Hindenburg into handing power over. Hitler was a very intelligentShow MoreRelatedPlato s The Trial And Death Of Socrates Essay1671 Words  | 7 PagesPlato’s The Trial and Death of Socrates presents the reader with complex competing conceptions of what should be considered â€Å"the good life†. According to Socrates, â€Å"the most important thing is not life, but the good life†(Crito, 48b). The majority, who live a non-philosophical life, believes the goods of life include wealth, reputation, and honor: all things that can easily be taken away or destroyed. On the other hand, Socrates lives a philosophical life filled with self-sufficiency. He views wisdomRe ad MoreKnowledge, Knowledge And Self-Knowledge In The Apology By Plato1245 Words  | 5 Pagesby Plato Socrates was a Greek philosopher who stood for knowledge and virtue. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Parent Atom Definition in Chemistry and Physics
A parent atom refers to an atom that undergoes radioactive decay in a nuclear reaction. Also Known As: parent isotope Examples: When U-238 decays into Th-234, the parent atom is U-238.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
You Suck A Love Story Chapter 8 Free Essays
Chapter Eight She Walks in Beauty Jody moved down Columbus Avenue with long, runway-model strides, feeling the windblown fog brush by her like the chill ghosts of rejected suitors. What she could never teach Tommy, what she could never really share with him, was what it felt like to move from being a victim – afraid of attack, the shadow around the corner, the footsteps behind – to being the hunter. It wasn’t the stalking or the rush of taking down prey – Tommy would understand that. We will write a custom essay sample on You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was walking down a dark street, late at night, knowing that you were the most powerful creature there, that there was absolutely nothing, no one, that could fuck with you. Until she had been changed and had stalked the city as a vampire, she never realized that virtually every moment she had been there as a woman, she had been a little bit afraid. A man would never understand. That was the reason for the dress and the shoes – not to attract a minion, but to throw her sexuality out there on display, dare some underevolved male to make the mistake of seeing her as a victim. Truth be told, although it had come down to confrontation only once, and then she’d been wearing a baggy sweatshirt and jeans, Jody enjoyed kicking ass. She also enjoyed – every bit as much – just knowing that she could. It was her secret. Without fear, the City was a great sensual carnival. There was no danger in anything she experienced, no anxiety. Red was red, yellow didn’t mean caution, smoke didn’t mean fire, and the mumbling of the four Chinese guys standing by their car just around the corner was just the click and twang of empty swinging dick talk. She could hear their hearts speed up when they saw her, could smell sweat and garlic and gun oil coming off them. She’d learned the smell of fear and imminent violence, too, of sexual arousal and surrender, although she’d have been hard-pressed to describe any of that. It was just there. Like color. You know†¦ Try to describe blue. Without mentioning blue. See? There weren’t a lot of people out on the street at this time of night, but there were a few, spread up the length of Columbus: barhoppers, late diners just wrapping it up, college boys heading down to the strip clubs on Broadway, the exodus from Cobb’s Comedy Club up the street, people giddy and so into the rhythm of laughing that they found one another and everything they saw hilarious – all of them vibrant, wearing auras of healthy pink life, trailing heat and perfume and cigarette smoke and gas held through long dinners. Witnesses. The Chinese guys weren’t harmless, by any means, but she didn’t think they’d attack her, and she felt a twinge of regret. One of them, the one with the gun, yelled something at her in Cantonese – something sleazy and insulting, she could tell by the tone. She spun as she walked, smiled her biggest red carpet smile, and without breaking stride, said, â€Å"Hey, nano-dick, go fuck yourself!†There was a lot of bluster and shuffle, the smart one, the one with fear coming off him, held his friend Nano-dick back, thus saving his life. She must be a cop, or just crazy. Something’s wrong. They clustered around their tricked-out Honda and huffed out great breaths of testosterone and frustration. Jody grinned, and detoured up a side street, away from traffic. â€Å"My night,†she said to herself. â€Å"Mine.†Now off the main drag, she saw only a single old man shuffling ahead of her. His life aura looked like a burned-out bulb, a spot of dark gray around him. He walked stooped over, with a dogged determination, as if he knew that if he stopped, he would never start again. From what she could tell, he never would. He wore baggy, wide-wale corduroys that made the sound of rodents nesting when he walked. A wisp of breeze off the Bay brought Jody the acrid smell of failing organs, of stale tobacco, of despair, of a deep, rotting sickness, and she felt the elation leave her. She slipped comfortably into the new slot the night had made for her, like tumblers of a lock slipping into place. She made sure that she made enough noise so that he could hear her approaching, and when she was beside him, he paused, his feet still moving in tiny steps that turned him to the side, as if his motor was idling. â€Å"Hi,†she said. He smiled. â€Å"My, you are a lovely girl. Would you walk with me?†â€Å"Sure.†They walked a few steps together before he said, â€Å"I’m dying, you know.†â€Å"Yeah, I kind of figured,†Jody said. â€Å"I’m just walking. Thinking, and walking. Mostly walking.†â€Å"Nice night for it.†â€Å"A little cold, but I don’t feel it. I got a whole pocketful of painkillers. You want one?†â€Å"No, I’m good. Thanks.†â€Å"I ran out of things to think about.†â€Å"Just in time.†â€Å"I wondered if I’d get to kiss a pretty girl once before the end. I think that would be all I’d want.†â€Å"What’s your name?†â€Å"James. James O’Mally.†â€Å"James. My name is Jody. I’m pleased to meet you.†She stopped and offered her hand to shake. â€Å"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you,†said James, bowing as best he could. She took his face in her hands, and steadied him, then kissed him on the lips, softly and for a long time, and when she pulled away they were both smiling. â€Å"That was lovely,†James O’Mally said. â€Å"Yes it was,†Jody said. â€Å"I suppose I’m finished now,†James said. â€Å"Thank you.†â€Å"The pleasure was all mine,†Jody said. â€Å"I assure you.†Then she put her arms around his slight frame, and held him, one hand cradling the back of his head like an infant, and he only trembled a little when she drank. A little later, she bundled his clothes together under her arm, and hooked his old wing tips on two fingers. The dust that had been James O’Mally was spread in a powdery-gray pile on the sidewalk, like a negative shadow, a bleached spot. She brushed it flat with her palm, and wrote, Nice kiss, James, with her fingernail. As she walked away, an hourglass trickle of James trailed out of his clothes behind her and was carried off on the chill bay breeze. The guy working the door of the Glas Kat looked like a raven had exploded on his head, his hair plastered out in a chaos of black spikes. The music coming from inside sounded like robots fucking. And complaining about it. In rhythmic monotone. European robots. Tommy was a little intimidated. ‘Sploded raven-head guy had better fangs than he did, was paler, and had seventeen silver rings in his lips. (Tommy had counted.) â€Å"Bet it’s hard to whistle with those in, huh?†Tommy asked. â€Å"Ten dollars,†said ‘Sploded. Tommy gave him the money. He checked Tommy’s ID and stamped his wrist with a red slash. Just then a group of Japanese girls dressed like tragic Victorian baby dolls breezed by behind Tommy, waving their wrist slashes like they’d just returned from a joyful suicide party instead of smoking cloves on the street. They, too, looked more like vampires than Tommy did. He shrugged and entered the club. Everyone, it appeared, looked more like a vampire than he did. He’d bought some black jeans and a black leather jacket at the Levi’s store while Jody was off finding something hideous for her mother for Christmas, but evidently he should have been looking for some black lipstick and something cobalt- or fuchsia-colored to weave into his hair. And in retrospect, the flannel shirt may have been a mistake. He looked like he’d shown up at the sacrificial mass of the damned ready to fix the dishwasher. The music changed to an ethereal female chorus of Celtic nonsense. With a techno beat. And robots complaining. Grumpy robots. He tried to listen around it, the way Jody had taught him. With all the black light, strobes, and black clothing, his newly heightened senses were overloading. He tried to focus on people’s faces, their life auras, look through the haze of heat, hairspray, and patchouli for the girl he’d met at Walgreens. Tommy had felt alone in a crowd before, even inferior to everyone in a crowd, but now he felt, well, different. It wasn’t just the clothes and the makeup, it was the humanity. He wasn’t part of it. Heightened senses or not, he felt like he had his nose pressed against the window, looking in. The problem was, it was the window of a donut shop. â€Å"Hey!†Someone grabbed his arm and he wheeled around so quickly that the girl nearly tumbled over backwards, startled. â€Å"Fuck! Dude.†â€Å"Hi,†Tommy said. â€Å"Wow.†Thinking, Ah, jelly donut. It was the girl from Walgreens. She was nearly a foot shorter than he, and a little skinny. Tonight she’d gone with the waifish look, wearing striped stockings with holes ripped in them and a shiny red PVC miniskirt. She’d traded in her Lord Byron shirt for a tank top, black, of course, with dripping red letters that read got blood? and fishnet gloves that went halfway up her biceps. Her makeup was sad-clown marionette: black tears drawn streaming down either side of her face. She crooked her finger to get him to bend down so she could shout into his ear over the music. â€Å"My name’s Abby Normal.†Tommy spoke into her ear; she smelled of hairspray and what was that? Raspberry? â€Å"My name is Flood,†he said. â€Å"C. Thomas Flood.†It was his pen name. The C didn’t really stand for anything, he just liked the sound of it. â€Å"Call me Flood,†he added. Tommy was a stupid name for a vampire, but Flood – ah, Flood – there was disaster and power there, and a hint of mystery, he thought. Abby smiled like a cat in a tuna cannery. â€Å"Flood,†she said. â€Å"Flood.†She was trying it on, it seemed to Tommy. He imagined that she’d have a black vinyl binder at school and she’d soon be writing Mrs. Flood surrounded by a heart with an arrow through it on the cover in her own blood. He’d never seen a girl so obviously attracted to him, and he realized that he had no experience in dealing with it. For a moment he flashed on the three vampire brides of Dracula who try to seduce Jonathan Harker in Stoker’s classic novel. (He’d been studying all the vampire fiction he could get his hands on since meeting Jody, since it didn’t appear that anyone had written a good how-to book on vampirism.) Could he really deal with three luscious vampire brides? Would he have to bring them a kid in a sack the way Dracula does in the book? How many kids a week would it take to keep them happy? And where did you get kid sacks? And although he hadn’t discussed it with Jody, he was pretty sure she was not going to be happy sha ring him with two other luscious vampire brides, even if he brought her sacks and sacks full of kids. They’d need a bigger apartment. One with a washer and dryer in the building, because there’d be a lot of bloodstained lingerie to be washed. Vampire logistics were a nightmare. You should get a castle and a staff when you got your fangs. How was he going to do all of this? â€Å"This sucks,†Tommy finally said, overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities. Abby looked startled, then a little hurt. â€Å"Sorry,†she said. â€Å"You want to get out of here?†â€Å"Oh, no, I didn’t mean – I mean, uh, yes. Let us go.†â€Å"Do you still need to get your heroin?†â€Å"What? No, that matter is taken care of.†â€Å"You know, Byron and Shelley did opiates,†Abby said. â€Å"Laudanum. It was like cough syrup.†Then, for no reason that he could think of, Tommy said, â€Å"Those scamps, they loved to get wrecked and read ghost stories from the German.†â€Å"That is so fucking cool,†Abby said, grabbing his arm and hugging his biceps like it was her newest, bestest friend. She started pulling him toward the door. â€Å"What about your friend?†Tommy said. â€Å"Oh, someone made a comment about his cape being gray when we first got here, so he went home to redye all of his blacks.†â€Å"Of course,†Tommy said, thinking, What the fuck? Out on the sidewalk, Abby said, â€Å"I suppose we need to find somewhere private.†â€Å"We do?†â€Å"So you can take me,†Abby said, stretching her neck to the side, looking more like a stringless marionette than ever. Tommy had no idea what to do. How did she know? Everyone in that club would have scored higher on the â€Å"are you a vampire?†test than he would. There needed to be a book, and this sort of thing needed to be in it. Should he deny it? Should he just get on with it? What was he going to tell Jody when she woke up next to the skinny marionette girl? He hadn’t really understood women when he was a normal, human guy, when it seemed that all you had to do was pretend that you didn’t want to have sex with them until they would have sex with you, but being a vampire added a whole new aspect to things. Was he supposed to conceal that he was a vampire and a dork! He used to read the articles in Cosmo to get some clue to the female psyche, and so he deferred to advice he’d read in an article entitled â€Å"Think He’s Just Pretending to Like You So You’ll Have Sex with Him? Try a Coffee Date.†â€Å"How ’bout I buy you a cup of coffee instead,†he said. â€Å"We can talk.†â€Å"It’s because I have small boobs, isn’t it?†Abby said, going into a very practiced pout. â€Å"Of course not.†Tommy smiled in a way he thought would be charming, mature, and reassuring. â€Å"Coffee won’t help that.†As Jody pushed the bundle of clothes into the storm sewer, a silver cigarette case slid out of the jacket pocket onto the pavement. She reached for it and felt a light shock – no, that wasn’t it. It was a warmth that moved up her arm. She kicked the clothes into the opening and stood under the streetlight, turning the silver case in her hands. It had his name engraved on it. She couldn’t keep it, like she had the folding money from his pockets, but she couldn’t throw it away either. Something wouldn’t let her. She heard a buzz, like an angry insect, and looked up to see a neon  «Open » sign flickering above a shop called Asher’s Secondhand. That was it. That’s where the cigarette case had to go. She owed it to James. After all, he’d given her everything, or at least everything he’d had left. She quick-stepped across the street and into the shop. The owner was working the counter at the back by himself. A thin guy in his early thirties, with a look of pleasant confusion not unlike the one she’d first noticed on Tommy’s face. Normally, this guy would be prime minion material, or at least based on her minion recruitment of the past he would, except apparently, he was dead. Or at least not alive like most people. He had no life aura around him. No healthy pink glow, no crusty brown or gray corona of illness. Nothing. The only time she’d ever seen this before was with Elijah, the old vampire. The shopkeeper looked up and she smiled. He smiled back. She moved to the counter. While he tried not to stare at her cleavage, she looked more closely for some life aura. There was heat, or at least there appeared to be some heat coming off him. â€Å"Hi,†said the shopkeeper. â€Å"Can I help you?†â€Å"I found this,†she said, holding up the cigarette case. â€Å"I was in the neighborhood and something made me think that this belonged here.†She set the case down on the counter. How could he have no life aura? What the hell was he? â€Å"Touch me,†she said. She held out her hand to him. â€Å"Huh?†He seemed a little frightened at first, but he took her hand, then quickly let go. He was warm. â€Å"Then you’re not one of us?†But he wasn’t one of them either. â€Å"Us? What do you mean us?†He touched the cigarette case and she could tell that this was exactly why she had brought it here. It was supposed to be here. Whatever part of James O’Mally had been left in that cigarette case had led her here. And this thin, confused-looking guy was supposed to have it. He took what was left of people all the time. It’s what he did. Jody felt some of the confidence she’d felt earlier draining away. Maybe the night wasn’t hers after all. Jody backed away a step. â€Å"No. You don’t just take the weak and the sick, do you? You take anyone.†â€Å"Take? What do you mean, take?†He was furiously trying to push the cigarette case back to her across the counter. He didn’t know. He was like she was when she’d awakened that first night as a vampire and had no idea what she had become. â€Å"You don’t even know, do you?†â€Å"Know what?†He picked up the cigarette case again. â€Å"Wait a second, can you see this thing glowing?†â€Å"No glow. It just felt like it belonged here.†This poor guy, he didn’t even know. â€Å"What’s your name?†She asked. â€Å"Charlie Asher. This is Asher’s.†â€Å"Well Charlie, you seem like a nice guy, and I don’t know exactly what you are, and it doesn’t seem like you know. You don’t, do you?†He blushed. Jody could see his face flush with heat. â€Å"I’ve been going through some changes lately.†Jody nodded. He really would have been perfect as a minion – if he hadn’t been some bizarre supernatural creature. She’d just gotten used to the idea of vampires being real, and it took some serious blood drinking to drive that reality home, and now there were other – other – things? Still, Jody felt bad for him, â€Å"Okay,†she said. â€Å"I know what it’s like, uh, to find yourself thrown into a situation where forces beyond your control are changing you into someone, something you don’t have an owner’s manual for. I understand what it is to not know. But someone, somewhere, does know. Someone can tell you what’s going on.†And hopefully they aren’t just fucking with you, she wanted to add, but thought better of it. â€Å"What are you talking about?†he asked. â€Å"You make people die, don’t you Charlie?†She didn’t know why she said it, but as soon as she said it, she knew it was true. Like when all her other senses had been dialed to eleven, she could sense something new, like noise on the line, and it was telling her this. â€Å"But how do you – ?†â€Å"Because it’s what I do,†Jody said. â€Å"Not like you, but it’s what I do. Find them, Charlie. Backtrack and find whoever was there when your world changed.†She shouldn’t have said that, she knew it as she was saying it. She’d just handed him an item that had been owned by someone she’d taken not twenty minutes ago. But even as regret for passing out incriminating evidence hit her, she also realized that she had left Tommy out there to wave in the wind just like this guy. Even if it was only for a few hours, Tommy had no idea how to go about being a vampire – truth be told, he hadn’t really been that good at being a human. He was just a doofy guy from Indiana and she’d abandoned him to the merciless city. She turned and ran out of the shop. â€Å"Cocoa?†Tommy said. â€Å"You look cold.†He’d given her his jacket out on the street. He’s so gallant, Abby thought. He probably wants me to drink cocoa to get my blood sugar up before he sucks the life from my veins. Abby had lived much of her life waiting for something extraordinary to happen. No matter where she had been, there was a world somewhere that was more interesting. She’d progressed from wanting to live in a fantastic, kawaii-cute plastic world of Hello Kitty, to being a Day-Glo, Manga lollipop space girl in platform sneakers, and then just a couple of years ago she had moved into the dark gothic world of pseudo vampires, suicidal poets, and romantic disappointment. It was a dark, seductive world where you got to sleep really late on the weekends. She’d been true to her dark nature, too, trying to maintain an aspect of exhausted mopeyness while channeling any enthusiasm she felt into a vehicle for imminent disappointment, and above all, suppressing the deep-seated perkiness that her friend Lily said she’d never shed when she’d refused to throw away her Hello Kitty backpack or let go of her Nintendog virtual beagle puppy. â€Å"He has virtual parvo,†Lily had said. â€Å"You have to put him down.†â€Å"He doesn’t have parvo,†Abby had insisted. â€Å"He’s just tired.†â€Å"He’s doomed, and you’re cute, and hopelessly perky,†Lily taunted. â€Å"I am not. I’m complex and I’m dark.†â€Å"You’re perky and your e-dog has i-parvo.†â€Å"As Azrael is my witness, I will never be perky again,†said Abby, her wrist set tragically to her forehead. Lily stood with her as she threw her Nintendog cartridge under the tire of the 91 midnight express bus. And now she had been chosen by a real creature of the night, and she would be true to her word: she had shed her perkiness. She sipped her hot chocolate, and studied the vampire Flood across the table. How clever, that he could appear as just a simple, clueless guy – but then, he could probably take many shapes. â€Å"I could be a slave to your darkest desires,†Abby said. â€Å"I can do things. Anything you want.†The vampire Flood commenced a coughing fit. When he had control again, he said, â€Å"Well, that’s terrific, because we have a lot of laundry piled up and the apartment is a wreck.†He was testing her. Seeing if she was worthy before bringing her into his world. â€Å"Anything you desire, my lord. I can do laundry, clean, bring you small creatures to quench your thirst until I am worthy.†The vampire Flood snickered. â€Å"This is so cool,†he said. â€Å"You’ll do my laundry, just like that?†Abby knew she had to tread carefully here, not fall for his trap. â€Å"Anything,†she said. â€Å"Have you ever gone apartment hunting?†â€Å"Sure,†she lied. â€Å"Okay, you can start tomorrow first thing. You need to find us an apartment.†Abby was horrified. She hadn’t really tried on the idea of leaving her old life so quickly. But all that would mean nothing when she became immortal, and ran with the children of the night. But her mom was going to be pissed. â€Å"I can’t move in right away, my lord. I have affairs to put in order before I make the change.†The vampire Flood smiled, his fangs barely visible now. â€Å"Oh, it’s not for you. There’s another.†He paused and leaned across the table. â€Å"An elder,†he whispered. There was another? Was she to become the sacrifice to a whole coven of the undead? Well, whatever. Lily would be so jealous. â€Å"As you please, my lord,†she said. â€Å"You might want to chill with the ‘my lord’ stuff,†Flood said. â€Å"Sorry.†â€Å"It’s okay. You know this all has to be completely secret, right?†â€Å"Right. Secret.†â€Å"I mean, I’m okay with it, but the other, the elder, she has a terrible temper.†â€Å"She?†â€Å"Yeah, you know, an Irish redhead.†â€Å"A Celtic countess, then? The one who was with you at Walgreens?†â€Å"Exactly.†â€Å"Sweet!†Abby blurted out. She couldn’t help it. She immediately tried to hide her latent perkiness by biting the edge of her cocoa cup. â€Å"You’ve got chocolate, here.†The vampire Flood gestured to her lip. â€Å"Kind of a marshmallow mustache.†â€Å"Sorry,†Abby said, wiping her mouth furiously with the back of her fishnet glove, smearing her black lipstick across the side of her face. â€Å"It’s okay,†said the vampire Flood. â€Å"It’s cute.†â€Å"Fuck!†Abby said. How to cite You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 8, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Drinking and Driving free essay sample
Drinking and Driving Drinking and driving is an illegal act that is wrong on multiple levels. It violates a moral and ethical code. In a society that has the morals of a brothel where it is better to joke with your buddies about getting wasted on the weekends or how much more drinking you did compared to your buddy. We forget that simply talking in this manner sends out a message that we condone the act of drinking without moderation. When you condone the act of drinking without moderation then you condone making mistakes with out even saying so. It probably would not surprise you to know that between 60% and 80% of drivers with suspended licenses continue to drive. The social implication from this study are that the high-risk population mentioned above cannot be trusted abstain from driving when legally impaired. I believe this be deplorable as a society and to think that a good portion of these people mentioned are probably military. We will write a custom essay sample on Drinking and Driving or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is an even sadder fact in and of itself. I blame a number of reasons for the number of drunk driving accidents or fatalities in this country. I blame the government both state and federal for not making harsher laws concerning the punishment for these crimes. I blame the friends and family members of the people who commit this heinous act. I blame the beer and alcohol companies and last but definitely not least I blame the individual who decides to get behind the wheel after having any number of drinks weather it is one or one hundred. My parents always said do not work harder to find flaws than you do to find solutions. I am a believer in the smart mistakes and dumb mistakes. Drinking and driving is one of the all time dumbest mistakes. I believe that when you have access to television which airs no drinking and driving commercials all the times, and you pass billboards on the street that say do not drink an drive and numerous school resources that you have no excuse to go out and do it. If you decide to drink and drive and you get caught then there should be no three strikes, no fines. I believe your car should be impounded immediately upon verifying that you were above the legal limit, whatever it may be. Your license should be suspended indefinitely; there would be no court fees, no reinstatement fees, no wasting tax money on sending a person to jail. However the jail sentence would vary depending on if you hurt or killed someone. There are certain things where you should not get a second chance in life. We make you wait until you are 16 to get a drivers license because the government is trusting that you are mature enough at that age to be trusted behind the wheel of a vehicle. If you misplace that trust by drinking and driving you do not deserve a second chance because God forbid that you kill some one then they are not going to get a second chance so why should you. I also believe that if you drink and drive and kill another human being through a direct result of being intoxicated and behind the wheel of a motor vehicle then you should receive the death pen alty. These are a few changes that I feel the government should make. I believe as a family member of a person who consumes alcohol that it is your responsibility to ensure that they do not make stupid decisions. You may not know the moment they leave the house or get behind the wheel but at some point in your relationship you had the ability to stop it from progressing. If you are a friend, battle buddy, brother or sister, mom, dad, etc. and you get into the vehicle with someone that has been drinking. You are responsible for what that person does behind the wheel of the care. If you can’t get the keys from that person then you simply get out of the vehicle and call the police. If you don’t have the integrity to simply pick up your smart phone and call the police and report them then maybe society should reevaluate the amount of trust it puts into you as well as the people you hang around. I often hear the excuse that â€Å"oh he was family, I did not want him to go to jail !†So you would rather have him go to jail for life or risk him killing someone than simply get detained until the situation is under control. Ultimately I believe in the old saying I am my brothers keeper. Society is failing the youth population in long run by being as lenient as we are on drunk driving. While we spend millions of dollars on drunk driving campaigns we should be spending more time cracking down on people who drink and drive. We should be making examples out of them. My father went to prison for five years of his adult life because he made a decision to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. He was going through a period of troubled times in his life and instead of seeking the proper help he decided to turn to drinking. He rear-ended a ninety-year-old man who died on the way to the hospital. The authorities said that the old man would not have survived a trip to the hospital because of his age. We have to live with the lives we have taken in combat and those lives hopefully are only a few but they should always be justified. The life my father chose to take was unjustified. It doesn’t matter if that man was going to die crossing the street the next day, he deserved that chance of survival and my dad robbed him of that. My dad doesn’t speak of it or his time In prison but he has to live with his decision every day of his life. I did not format this paper in any particular way such as APA, etc.. I did not site my sources for the statistical information I provided. In closing I wish everyone would understand the importance of being smart enough to not drink and drive. It is an irresponsible choice that shows a lack of discipline. I have no patience for people who chose to break the rules that they have the ability to follow.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Future fiction essays
Future fiction essays In Monica Hughess story, The Price of Land, the government saw human life in dollar symbols. The story tells of a farming family who had not experienced the best of luck making money off of the farm. Money was short but there was a solution offered by the government; not too with farming or anything like that. Jim, the father figure, received a letter, with an offer that would prove hard to refuse. Jims seventy year-old mother in-law was living with him and his family. She was collecting a small pension and was a contributing member to the household. Although the penny-pinching government saw that it would be cheaper in the long run to just buy this womans life and give a cut of the money they would have spent to support her in her last years to her family. The offer sounded good to Jim, though he did feel bad, and Gran thought it would be best for the struggling young family. They went through with the deal and Gran was euthanized. Does this sound like nonsense, or could this type of thing really happen? I think it would take a severe moral breakdown in society to bring about those types of changes. But, what would it take? Heres a scenario I have thought about that is somewhat similar to the situation presented by Monica Hughes. Approximately one hundred or fewer years from now the world could see a revolution fueled by the rise of technology. Technology meaning, communications, robotics and automated computer controlled systems. Like the industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, we could see a population growth that might disturb the distribution of wealth. Another possible development in the future is the robotic workforce. This in itself is quite a concept when you consider the number of jobs that could be taken away from people and given to robots. The unemployment rates could seriously damage our economy. ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Raising the Minimum wage in the state of Illinois Essay
Raising the Minimum wage in the state of Illinois - Essay Example Most agree that employees who work full-time hours should be paid a wage sufficient so as to allow them to provide for their most essential needs which current minimum wage in Illinois does not accomplish. For workers in Mississippi, for example, $7.50 may be enough to subsist but the cost of living is substantially lower in Vicksburg than in Chicago. Opponents to further increasing the minimum wage in Illinois argue that prices to consumers will increase, workers will lose their jobs and the inflation rate will rise. This paper demonstrates that raising the minimum wage is practical for all concerned, workers, employers and the economy as a whole. It also reduces criminal activity and slows the adverse effects of outsourcing which ships American jobs overseas. The minimum wage law was established by the federal then some state government to assure that this ideal was a realization. The rationale behind a minimum wage, intended for the least skilled and educated persons in the workforce, is to raise their earnings in order to offset the forces that drive the market down which would otherwise reduce their buying power. The welfare system, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance established by the 1930’s New Deal to provide assistance to the poor, in part, still exist today. The economic conditions of the time demanded that the solutions foster relations between the oppressive capitalist class and the working class. Labor unions lobbied for minimum wages and other worker benefits including employers’ liability laws, social reformers worked for maximum hours for women workers, factory inspections, child-labor laws, and anti-sweatshop laws†(Baker, 2003). Backed by the ‘New Dealers,’ these issue s were addressed on the federal level. Raising the minimum wage allows those who make minimum salaries to keep up with inflation. It will also help those that need it the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Getting university degree through online courses Essay
Getting university degree through online courses - Essay Example They can access learning materials from anywhere and anytime they log on to their university portals. That means parents, professionals, and sick students can attend their classes no matter their day schedules. The method also offers student enrichment. Students can interact as the online class is short of intimidation. Every student has a voice and the diverse ideas contribute to student growth. The students are also offered sufficient time to think before they can comment. The online learning method, however, has raised various concerns. Students lack face-to-face interaction with fellow classmates and instructor. They experience disconnect from the classroom environment, but universities are keen on addressing the issue. Group chats and video-conferencing are some of the initiatives the universities are using to alleviate the issue. The online degrees also offer fewer instructions and have no standards that regulate the program. Accrediting bodies have, however, been put in place to accredit and review online institutions and curriculum. Online learning has come a long way and more developments are still to come. Various advocates and bodies are finding ways to deal with the perceived shortcomings. Technological advancements continue to add value and advantages that distance learning can offer to students. U.S. Department of Education, 2010, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning," U.S. Department of Education
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Basic Concepts Behind Data Bases Information Technology Essay
The Basic Concepts Behind Data Bases Information Technology Essay Databases are collection of raw fact and figures or in single word we can say data in digital form, databases are classified on the basis of their content like text document, bibliographic and statistical etc. Databases are managed by software called DBMS (Database Management System), DBMS are responsible of storing, retrieving, accessing, security, backup and querying the data as fast as possible and in most efficient way. One of the most trusted DBMS in market is ORACLE DBMS. ORACLE is the most trusted in market and almost each and every organization uses it. One of the best security features of ORACLE is Secure Database Access.SDA is based on three things which are Under USER MANAGEMENT comes how much space has to be provided to each user, what level of access has to be provided to users, the space and rights of one user does not interfere with other. Under PASSWORD MANAGEMENT come the default passwords of users, defining the password complexity, deciding the password expiry time limit, password lock facility etc. Under RESOURCE LIMTS comes deciding CPU time, logical reads, concurrent session per user, idle time, amount of private SGA for shared sessions. The above mentioned security features comes with any enterprise level operating system for example SUN SOLARIS a UNIX flavored OS has all this security features where there is separate file system for all users, each and every file system and file has access permission defined for the root, the user and others, passwords for each user is there and they are stored in encrypted form and for each and every user the resources are defined. Briefly describe the purpose of firewalls and how they work, including a comparison of at least three principal types. Firewalls are a type of hardware or software which is used to protect the system or network. Firewall acts as fences around the system or network which do not allow anybody who wants unauthorized access or after access tries to do some sort of damage. To protect ones data and network Firewalls employ a number of technologies, of which the first one is simple set of rules means all the ports should be closed initially and as one goes with applications there must be ports defined for them and only those ports are opened for those applications to use, open ports are like holes which any hacker can use to access your system. There are 2 physical types of firewalls software and hardware, software firewalls are mostly used in home environment like the one provided by Nortel and McAfee, they are responsible for protecting you home pc against any sort of external attack. Hardware firewalls are commonly used in business environment, they are dedicated units which have the external world plugged in outside and the trusted network from inside and they are often available as a pair so that failure of one unit does not make the network open for attack. Both type of firewalls use a number of different techniques to keep your system and network safe, the first thing described is a rules based or packet filter system, here all data in and out is scanned to see that is in and out to trusted ports on the system and possibly even trusted IP addresses. Proxy server, this is in between the outside world internet and the trusted inside world network it scans all packets of data and make sure if they meet the packet filter rules before passing data to the machine in the trusted network. This adds a layer of security by never allowing the internet system come in direct contact with the trusted machine, network address translation do not make your internal IP address visible to the internet. A proxy server is great against brute force attacks. What are the differences between public key encryption methods and symmetric key encryption methods? Please provide one example of each category. The cryptographic technique based on two keys a public key available to all and a private/secret key known only to the person intended to have it. An important part to the public key encryption is that the keys are related in such a manner that only the public key can be used in encryption of the messages and only the corresponding private key can be utilized in decryption of messages. By no chance one can get private using the public key. Public-key encryption like Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), are growing in popularity for transferring information through internet. They are highly secure and comparatively simple to use. The one difficulty with public-key encryption is that one need to be aware of the recipients public key so that he/she can encrypt a message. What is required therefore is a global registration of public keys Symmetric key encryption for both encryption and decryption uses a same secret key. Exchange of message requires exchange of keys also among users. Message encrypted with secret key can only be decrypted with same secret key Secret-key algorithm is used in symmetric key encryption. Symmetric key encryption techniques are also called content-encryption algorithms. The big limitation of secret-key algorithm is the requirement for sharing the secret-key. This can be overcome by deriving the same secret key at both ends by using a user supplied text string or we can say password based on password-based encryption algorithm, other way round is to securely exchange the secret-key among themselves. Size of the key defines the strength of the symmetric key encryption used. Consider the following cipher text: EHWWHU EH GHVSLVHG IRU WRR DQALRXV DSSUHKHQVLRQV WKDQ UXLQHG EB WRR FRQILGHQW VHFXULWB (Edmund Burke) a) Decipher the cipher text above using a 26-character Caesar Cipher. Explain your reasoning Explain how you would quickly determine if the above cipher text is the result of a simple substitution or a transposition cipher, also explaining the difference between each. Please justify your answer. The cipher text gets decrypted to BETTER BE DESPISED FOR TOO ANXIOUS APPREHENSIONS, THAN RUINED BY TOO CONFIDENT SECURITY A shift of 3 was used to give the output as the quote mentioned above. The above cipher can be determined as simple substitution cipher as we can list down the two alphabet words in English and shifting each alphabet to certain position gives any one of the word. Substitution cipher is all about replacing one character or alphabet with other and transposition cipher is all about jumbling of the words together instead of replacing characters, transposition cipher changes the order of the characters and can be analyzed by frequency analysis. Unfortunately your computer has been infected by some malicious code and you do not know when this infection happened. Luckily you have performed backups on a weekly basis since you acquired your computer. Your idea is to use the backups starting from the beginning, rebuilding the first backup and so on, applying all changes in order. Discuss the feasibility of this approach offering ways to improve it, if necessary. This is the safest way of rebuilding computer again and would definitely solve the issue as this is the gradual step by step up gradation of the system and would bring the system to state where it was infected but without the problem. What I feel like if we start restoring the system from back rather than doing from start and checking for the stability of the system. This approach saves time and effort as after restoring first only you have the probability of solving the issue or what we can do is not do one by one incremental steps but keep an interval of the backups and do. Please compare and contrast incident response plans and business continuity plans. List heir key elements (what would one expect to see in such a document?) The incident response plan is defined as what make up a security incident and highlight the phases of incident response. The incident response plan document is focused on how information reaches the appropriate personnel, investigation of the incident, bringing down damage and strategy to respond, documentation and evidence preservation. The incident response plan consists of responsibility area and pen down and brings in effect procedures for handing security incidents. The document emphasizes on the considerations required to create an incident response plan. The incident is formulated to safeguard against intrusion to organizational resources. An incident is defined as information confidentiality loss, data integrity compromise, theft or damage of IT assets like computer, printer etc, service denial, misuse of assets or services or data, system infection by malicious software, unauthorized access, system abnormal behavior, alarms for intrusion detection and their responses. The incident response goals are incident occurrence verification, business restoration continuity, minimized incident impact, determine the way of attack, prevention against future attacks, response time of security and incident should be improved, illegal activity prosecution, situation and response has to be made aware to management. The incident response life cycle begins by incident preparation, then comes the discovery of the incident, notification, analysis and assessment, response strategy, containment, re infection prevention, affected system restoration, documentation, preservation of evidence, external agencies notification, update policies and response review. The business continuity planning is required for making an organization safe from internal and external threats and identifies the soft and hard assets to provide effective recovery and prevention of the organization. The following threats are there to an organization as Staff death or injury, building are damaged, loss of communication and IT infrastructure, disruption in transport making staff unavailable, stress and demoralization in staff, other business disruption or closing down on which a company is dependent, reputation damage and business change demands. To cover up the following threats following steps should have been planned sufficient workforce with right expertise and motivation to manage and lead the organization, access to key IT system and records, staff communication should be reliable and clear, ability of paying the staff in case of crisis also, product and services procurement and media demand responses. The steps involved in developing a business continuity plan in systematic way are analysis of business, risk assessment, strategy development, plan development and plans should be rehearsed. One hundred years ago, Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren warned us that, Numerous mechanical devices threaten to make good the prediction that what is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the housetops.' Cryptography is an enabling technology for self-help privacy. Conversely, cryptography can be used to conceal criminal conspiracies and activities, including espionage. a) How have computers changed the ways in which we have to keep certain information private? b) What new threats do computer systems and networks pose to personal privacy? Conversely, what threats are enabled or enhanced by computer systems and networks? c) How does cryptography help or hinder protection of privacy and public safety? d) What policies are needed and appropriate in a networked world regarding the use of cryptography? e) Consider a public key encryption. Ann wants to send Bill a message. Let Annpriv and Annpub be Anns private and public keys respectively. The same for Bill (Billpriv and Billpub). i) If Ann sends a message to Bill, what encryption should Ann use so that only Bill can decrypt the message (secrecy)? ii) Can Ann encrypt the message so that anyone who receives the message is assured that the message only came from Ann (authenticity)? iii) Is it possible for Ann to devise a method that will allow for both secrecy and authenticity for her message? Please justify your answer. Computers help a lot in keeping private informations secure. With all the security features into the system like firewalls and other security features one can keeps his/her information secure from un authorized access. Initially for keeping the information private one has to classify the physical files or documents having information as classified or confidential and have to be kept in safe custody so that unauthorized access is not there, the initially the information transfer has to be taken through physically under supervision but with computers and secure software systems and various encryptions which are efficient and complex to break, transport of information has become easy without any extra effort. With increasing use of information technology in form of computers has also created new types of threats where hackers who are experts in breaking the system security and network security and get easy access of ones private data. People use the information transfer and other IT mea ns to transfer information which cannot be scanned by authorities for example terrorist organizations uses the networks and other safe methods to transport the information which could not be easily get hold of decrypted by organizations working against them. The biggest advantage of public key cryptography is the secure nature of the private key. In fact, it never needs to be transmitted or revealed to anyone. It enables the use of digital certificates and digital timestamps, which is a very secure technique of signature authorization. We will look at digital timestamps and digital signatures in a moment, but as discussed above cryptography can be used by organizations or individuals involved in wrong activities to transfer data which cannot be caught or decrypted by authorities working against them, hence cryptography can go against world peace. Cryptography use should be mandated for the right purposes. There are few cryptographic policies that have been challenged, both literally and figuratively. In particular export controls, key escrow and government control have been issues argued recently, with final decisions still unresolved. International agreements and foreign decisions regarding these topics have influenced the current U.S. position. Ann should use the public key encryption method to send a message to Bill. Ann can create her digital signature of the message using the private key which can be verified using public key to see message is authentic. Yes Ann can use public key encryption for encrypting the message to maintain the confidentiality or secrecy of message and she can use digital signatures with public key encryption to maintain the authenticity of the message.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay -- Quid pro quo harassment, h
Sexual harassment is a crippling reality in the work environment. The effects can be ravaging to an organization, to the individual harassed, fellow employees, and the harasser. Sexual harassment is not necessarily about sex, it is certainly about power. When someone at work uses sexual behavior to control you, whether it is behavioral or physical in nature, that is sexual harassment. The exploration of this issue will include a definition of sexual harassment, the intent and behavior of the harasser, the effects sexual harassment has on the harassed, the negative impact sexual harassment has on an organization, procedures and processes of filing a sexual harassment complaint, and management perspective including preventive measures that should be taken. Sexual harassment is defined as any form of unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature. "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual?s employment, unreasonable interferes with an individual?s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment." ( The most extreme form of sexual harassment occurs when an employee loses a job; benefit or other privilege of employment, or is fired because the employee has rejected sexual demands. This is one form of sexual harassment that may occur in the workplace. "This type of sexual harassment of sexual harassment is referred to as quid pro quo which literally means ?this for that?, a specific demand for sexual favors in exchange for job security or job benefits. This type of sexual ... ... A. Mitsubishi settles Workers? Disputes under pressure from NOW. NOW. (Fall 1998) Internet: 3. Larsen, Shawn. Sexual Harassment-frequencies by gender. (September 1995) Internet: 4. McCoy-Ullrich,Dawn. Sexual harassment at work. Lifewise: Office Politics. (May 2000) Internet: 5. Myrianthopoulos, Thalia. Supreme Court Restricts Civil Rights Remedies. NOW. (Fall, 1999) Internet: 6. 7. 8. 9.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Handmaids Tale †Basic Response Essay
One of the ways in which The Handmaid’s Tale creates opportunities to respond is through its discussion and exploration of a dystopian society. A dystopian society is often characterised as a futuristic setting with oppressive societal control and elements of totalitarianism. The Handmaid’s Tale is set in the futuristic Republic of Gilead and a way in which Atwood has chosen to display a dystopian society is through creating a sense that the citizens of Gilead are under constant surveillance, a characteristic of dystopian literature. This can be shown through the reoccurring motif of â€Å"the eye. †The eye motif symbolises the eternal watchfulness of god and the totalitarian state with its recurrence creating a sense that citizens of Gilead are constantly being surveyed. This is shown as Offred states â€Å"to be seen-to be seen- is to be- her voice trembled-penetrated. †The use of repetition and italicise of the word ‘seen’ is used to highlight the fact that individuals don’t want to be seen, creating an ominous presence of control and threat through the constant watching. Another way The Handmaid’s Tale creates opportunities to respond in relation to its dystopian reading is in its discussion of citizens in fear of the outside world. This fear is shown through the presence of â€Å"The Wall. †The wall serves as a symbolic barrier separating Gilead from the outside world and also emphasising the existence of the totalitarian state and its allusion of a perfect world. This meaning is shown as the wall is described to have â€Å"barbed wire along the bottom and broken glass set in concrete along the top. Visual imagery here is used to create fear of the outside world through the literal and metaphorical barrier the wall represents. It is also important to note that the value of Atwood’s text is evident in the way it is a cautionary novel, designed to provide a reflection and thus provide commentary on the potential for 21st century society to adopt these extremes. Therefore the novels exploration of elements of dystopian society including the perceived surveillance of citizens and fear of the outside world creates opportunities to respond to The Handmaid’s Tale in relation to its comments about dystopian society, making it valuable. Even though the totalitarian regime has been destroyed, Atwood warns us that governments can still exploit woman. In the Historical Notes, it is concerning how Professor Pieixoto states, â€Å"No new system can impose itself upon a previous one without incorporating many of the elements to be found in the latter. †This implies that selected characteristics of the dystopian Gilead Republic will be adopted by a new government. Another way in which The Handmaid’s Tale creates opportunities to respond is through its complex interpretation from a feminist perspective. This is shown within the novel as the Handmaid’s bodies are used for procreation, their sexual freedom has been denied. This is seen through the constant discussion of fertility with Offred often belittling herself and her body to be used, â€Å"we are like containers, it’s only the insides of our bodies that are important. The outside can become hard †¦ like the shell of a nut. †Here a simile is used to continue to degrade and dehumanise Offred through equating her to a simple â€Å"nut,†an empty being, only valued for her fertility. Also the way in which women are used for procreation is shown through the motif of red, â€Å"a nondescript woman in red,†with women here further dehumanised to â€Å"nondescript†beings. The motif of red is used to represent fertility. The way females are often referred to as red throughout the text highlights how the Handmaids’ sole purpose within the society of Gilead is to procreate, demonstrating once again how females within the society are only valued for their bodies. In regards to a feminist interpretation, male dominance is also presented throughout the novel through the discussion of sterile- this is again italicised to emphasise its effect relating to a feminist viewpoint as males don’t go to colonies yet females do highlighting gender inequality. The inclusion of these elements discusses a range of feminist concerns allowing it to be interpreted in a myriad of different ways, increasing its value. The Handmaid’s Tale furthermore creates opportunities to respond through its inclusion of post-modern elements thus making it valuable. The novel can be read from a post-modern perspective as Atwood uses self- reflexivity as a means of questioning what is truth. This is shown when Offred admits, â€Å"This is a reconstruction, all of it is a reconstruction. It’s a reconstruction now, in my head. †The use of repetition, â€Å"reconstruction†creates emphasis and awareness of how the story Offred tells is only fractured pieces of the story, taken apart and put back together. Atwood here is trying to make her reader’s question if what is being said is true; implying that not everything read is necessarily true. This post-modern analysis which believes in the existence of multiple truths can be further seen through Offred’s narration shown as she questions â€Å"you want the best for her. Don’t you? †Here metafiction is used as Offred directly communicates with the audience, presenting an element of post- modern literature. From a post-modern interpretation the truthfulness of Offred’s singular narration is questionable accentuated when she consciously reinstates, â€Å"I don’t want to be telling this story. †This highlights how her narration could be subjected bias rather than truth. Thus The Handmaid’s Tale can be interpreted from a post-modern perspective making it valuable as this is one of the many ways it can be responded to. In conclusion it is through the different ways to respond to Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale that the text possesses value. These responses are generated in relation to dystopian, feminist and post-modern interpretations that the novel discusses. Each of these comments on 21st century society and encourage audiences to respond to their own society in different ways making the text valuable.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Controversy Regarding The Practice And Effectiveness...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper is designed to address four major controversies concerning the practice and effectiveness of the current United States education system and discuss potential solutions to these issues. The four controversies we will be addressing are; o Lack of student centered learning o Religion in public schooling o Lack of importance the US government places on higher level education o Need for more focus on thinking 1. The lack of student centered learning is an issue because of the fact that it is not widely known. Student centered learning is a teaching approach that incorporates participating in self-paced learning programs and/or group scenarios, substituting lectures with active learning, leading up to holding the student responsible for his or her own improvements in education. The focus on this kind of learning could greatly improve our education system in America because it makes the students responsible for their success. The teaching of that type of responsibility will make for a more reliable and advanced generation. 2. Religion in public schooling is a major controversy proven by the fact that Americans have been debating the place of God in schools almost repeatedly since public education got its start in the country nearly two hundred years ago. As the United States becomes more religiously diverse, its shared doubt on this issue becomes more prominent. Not even the Supreme Court, with its muddled and unclear ruling on the establishmentShow MoreRelatedEssay on Managed Care1158 Words  | 5 PagesManaged Care To decide on whether or not an issue is considered ethical or moral we need the hard cold facts. Facts expose or explain what is to be decided upon#8212;not what the outcome should be. Decisions regarding health care and mental health issues represent a major portion of ethical and moral choices. 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